Friday, August 17, 2012

Obama v. Straw Man

President Obama has a history of political success based upon picking his own opponent.  For example, his first election victory came when he had all of his opponents for the Illinois Senate disqualified so that he could run unopposed.  Similarly, in 2008, he constantly chose to run against the unpopular George Bush instead of his actual opponent, John McCain.  Obama is a very savvy politician.

Well, he's at it again.  Now that Mitt Romney has chosen Paul Ryan as his running mate, the Obama campaign is on the attack.  But, consistent with their past successful strategies, they're not attacking the actual Paul Ryan and his current positions -- they're attacking an opponent more to their liking. 

Ryan has not been a careful politician, at least not with regard to the budget.  He makes bold proposals, and he improves those proposals based upon criticisms and suggestions of others.  So this approach has provided the Obama campaign an opportunity -- they are vigorously opposing earlier versions of Ryan's proposals, versions that nobody is advocating at the moment.  If you can't beat the opponent in front of you, run against a straw man! 

When we hear Wasserman Schultz, Axelrod, and the other Obama mouthpieces (along with their surrogates in the msm) characterize Ryan's positions on the budget, the smart voter won't lap up the koolaid they're peddling.  If you want to know what's in Ryan's proposed budget, it's in black and white.  All you have to do is look it up.  I'll even make it easy for you:

We must not blindly take the word of either campaign.  We have the internet now.  We can learn the facts for ourselves.  And with the way the msm does their "job," we'll have to.  That's ok, we're better off checking things out for ourselves anyway.

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